Business Plan Consultant

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Look to the future – with us as your business plan consultant

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” – it was Benjamin Franklin who said that – and while it’s cliche, it rings just as true in businesses today.

Our business planning consultancy service helps you build a plan that will start immediately, working with your existing ideas and business goals.

Why do I need a business plan?


Like all businesses (whether you’re an established business or an SME), you’ll need a plan if you want to succeed.

Creating a plan will get you started on the next stage of your business lifecycle. It will give you a reason to get all the most important people in your firm into one room. And it will allow you a chance to really express your vision for the future.

Helping you find this vision – if you haven’t got one already or you’re struggling to find the time to write it down – is where we come in.

What’s in a business plan?


A business plan usually has a structure and length depending on your target. We’ll spend time with you discussing what direction you want to go in and where we can assist you, but they typically cover:

  • funding 
  • growth 
  • pay rates 
  • expenses 
  • marketing strategy
  • equipment costs
  • training and qualifications
  • long term goals
  • business strategy.

How will this help my business?

If you’ve ever tried to do something in life or business without making a plan, you’ll know that it rarely yields results. Or certainly not the result you wanted.

As business planning experts and business owners, we’ve got experience working and growing other companies, acting as plan consultants to various firms.

We’re flexible business planning consultants

Whether you need us to:

  • look over your existing document
  • employ business plan writers to help get yours to meet your vision
  • conduct market research to help back up your ideas
  • formulate a clear exit plan that leaves everyone happy

No matter the scenario, we’re here to give our expert opinion and create the best plan possible.  

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